
How can Certified Solutions Architects Keep their Skills Sharp?

An AWS solutions architect is mainly an expert in developing and designing cloud-based solutions, as well as migrating existing workloads to the cloud. Thousands of firms across 190 countries use the AWS cloud platform. Therefore, as an SA, you’ll be responsible for planning, designing, and scaling AWS cloud installations using Amazon’s top services.

In today’s complex technology landscape, having a SA on the team is critical for any organization aiming to align business needs with technology solutions. So, your position as an AWS certified solutions architect is crucial for any organization, but remember to keep up with all new innovations and technology to stay relevant.

But the cloud computing world is continually evolving with new technologies, processes, and approaches, making it difficult for even the best solutions architects to stay sharp. In fact, you may require more knowledge than you previously had. This article outlines six productive ways that can help keep your skills and knowledge sharp as a solutions architect.

1. Create a learning plan with objectives

Set a learning schedule for yourself. Everyone learns differently, so it’s essential to determine how you learn and where you want to go with your skills and career. Use the numerous online resources available to gain new talents and improve your existing ones. Ascertain that your strategy incorporates AWS certification training.

Various online AWS certification courses can help you earn one. AWS training and certification are built by the experts at AWS. Each one provides tailored, prescriptive content to help you prepare for your certification exam. You can also take on one or more of the six AWS specialty-level certifications.

2. Follow the daily updates

AWS, like any other IT company, is constantly evolving. Researching and learning about new AWS cloud capabilities, cloud security, cloud computing, and services is part of staying current. Read up on the latest AWS products and services, as well as industry news, solution blog entries, and trends. This will provide you with a quick snapshot of information relevant to your customer’s or profession’s needs.

As a SA, you’ll have access to discussion forums where you can learn about the latest developments and best practices from industry experts; utilize them to learn. In addition, strengthen your technical abilities for AWS DevOps cloud certification. It covers application deployment, management, and monitoring.

3. Watch Event Presentations

You can subscribe to various tech talks to expand your knowledge. Some of the AWS sessions are accessible on-demand on YouTube. These sessions will help you adapt and learn a new skill or understand a new topic.

4. Community Guidance

Reach out, make contacts, and develop a network with your colleagues and professionals to succeed in your field and advance your talents. Learn from the triumphs and pitfalls of others.

Meetings are an excellent way to connect with respectable professionals. Putting your points of view on display at meetups allows you to gain constructive feedback and improve your work. Even virtual meetups are a possibility to develop your knowledge and exposure.

5. Develop a Specialty

Based on your passions, you can specialize in any field, including big data, robotics, and artificial intelligence. This will hone your talents in your chosen profession and qualify you to join the specialist team. Furthermore, a sufficient number of resources, such as specialized e-books, blogs, and case studies, are available to assist you in gaining experience in your field of specialty. Finally, note that having AWS cloud developer skills can make you indispensable to any company.

6. Be a Builder

Implementation is the most effective method of learning. It enables you to synthesize the previous components’ theories, content, and methodologies into a measurable understanding and upskilling outcome.

To get you started, AWS provides several ready-to-use solutions and sample codes. Visit the AWS Solutions Library and Architecture Center for points of reference. You can also learn new technologies using technical texts, coding languages, and online tutorials, allowing you to complete a proof of concept and gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

To conclude

AWS is a rapidly changing profession, with a bright future for an AWS solutions architect. Being a solutions architect necessitates a diverse set of talents, making it one of the well-paid IT positions. Thus, plan your days, prioritize your work, and avoid distractions to improve your time management abilities. You can also choose to attend meetings, write scripts, travel to onsite meetings with customers, work on migrations, and troubleshoot as a solutions architect.